How Can I Prevent Wrinkles?

One of the most common questions I hear is, How can I prevent wrinkles? Nothing will completely prevent wrinkles and some even consider them earned badges of honor, but there are things you can do to reduce them if desired.
Food is everything! There are actually journal articles on the subject. It’s been shown that sugar in the form of pastries, sugar-sweetened fruit, cakes, soft drinks, potatoes, processed meats, and milk (especially milk) speed the formation of wrinkles. In contrast eggs, spinach, asparagus, nuts, beans, eggplant, celery, olives, cherries, prunes, pears, tea, melons, apples, yogurt, and pure water can significantly slow skin wrinkling, according to Jonathan Wright, MD.
And of course bio-identical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT) can also greatly reduce the formation and appearance of wrinkles, though not everyone is comfortable with using BHRT or is a good candidate. BHRT can be used at very low doses and applied directly to the skin for the purpose of reducing the appearance of wrinkles. A study showed that after treatment for 6 months, skin elasticity, moisture and firmness was markedly improved; and wrinkle depth and pore sizes decreased by 61 to 100% (Schmidt JB et al. Treatment of skin aging with topical estrogens, Int J Dermatol. 1996 Sep;35(9):669-74).
Since this is a hormone treatment it is a prescription. If you’d rather avoid a prescription, then eat right (preferably organic) and also make sure you’re taking Beta carotene, Vitamin C, Copper, Zinc, B vitamins, Hyaluronic Acid, and plenty of pure water. Remember, for every cup of caffeine you drink you must drink 2 cups of water. Plus avoiding food allergies is very useful to reduce puffy and darkened skin below the eyes.
And — I can’t leave out sleep. Sleep is everything. I heard Iyanla Vanzant say this: “If you get up on Tuesday, go to bed on Tuesday.” If you’re rested you will see it in your skin.
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