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Frequent Saunas Prolong Life

I’m a huge proponent of sauna therapy especially using Far Infrared Sauna. JAMA recently published a Finnish study concluding that taking frequent saunas prolong life and is particularly beneficial to the heart and circulatory system. Researchers from the University of Eastern Finland (Kuopio) analyzed data from 2,315 men aged between 42 and 60 from eastern Finland, where taking a sauna is particularly popular. The likelihood of dying from a heart attack was 22% lower among those who used a sauna 2-3 times a week compared to study subjects who took saunas only once a week; and those who used a sauna 4-7 times per week even had a 63% lower risk. Furthermore, overall mortality was also lower among frequent sauna users. Two to three saunas per week, as opposed to one, decreased mortality by 24%, 4-7 visits by 40%. Furthermore, it showed that longer sauna sessions – more than 19 minutes – were better for a person’s health than shorter sessions (less than 11 minutes).

Imagine something so easy and enjoyable as a sauna could extend your life!

Try it for yourself. Call to make an appointment and mention this blog for a free sauna session.

Enjoy and be healthy!

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